P147 Turbo

  • Download count 1783
  • Pageviews 2749
  • Unique foldername fd147r
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2020-09-19
  • Version from
  • Version
  • RVW-ID 24532
  • Category
  • Score
    88/100 (6 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Original
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Top speed: 34.5 mph
    Acceleration: high
    Handling: good
    Mass: 1.4 kg
    Trans: FWD
    Folder name: fd147r

    Useless things to know about this car:
    - This car's name is a reference to R6 Turbo, the P is for Peugeot since this car looks similar to a Peugeot 205
    - this car is based on: https://i.imgur.com/vAz36Sc.jpg

    Based on P147 Turbo

    Max Attack, by Norfair

1 comment on “P147 Turbo

  1. P147 Turbo is made to look like a Pug. And it is a Pug alright. At first glance though, for me it’s much more of a 405 T16 than a 205, more psecifically a cross between Pikes Peak and Dakar bodyworks. Regardless, it still makes one hell of an impression visually. 3D model has some rough edges here and there, but the angular nature of the beast masks those very efficiently. Not many details in the model to look for either – most of the small things you see seem to come from the well-fitting skin rather than modelling. One thing I don’t like are bland disc wheels carried over from the template car – slapping a set of 205 T16-like turbofans would do it a lot of good.

    It’s a decent car visually then. What about how it drives? Well, it’s still just that – decent. Top speed of 55kph makes it a good fit into Advanced rating, and it’s coupled with good enough acceleration that you won’t fall back at the very start of the race. You just need to remember it’s not a rocket and not try to outsmart everyone right away. It drives smoothly on most surfaces as well, with firm suspension giving a lot of grip without turning the car into a railer.

    Here’s the rub though – it’s not a railer, but it’s not a nimble weasel either. Don’t get me wrong, it turns very well – just not everywhere. The wheels are fairly large in diameter, and that makes the power transfer from drivetrain better than it could be – but it’s not completely balanced with the fact that it’s got a powerful engine and a steering rack with slow reaction time. When driving on an open road it’s quick and pleasant to drive, and steering is not an issue – in fact it helps with maintaining speed mid-corner. But as soon as you take it into closed quarters or otherwise narrow tracks, it starts to stumble.

    Suddenly the drivetrain params, while still good, don’t make up the time you’ll lose bumping into outside walls because you have to choose between braking or crashing constantly. Add to that a slippery ground like in Museum tracks and it’s a recipe for disaster, since – as I said above – it’s most surfaces it’s comfortable on, not all surfaces. It’ll very quickly go from stable and firm cornering to chronically understeering mess. There are also issues with easily locking front brakes, and – that’s a specific one – porpoising front when landing long jumps.

    How do I judge it then? Despite its shortcomings that make it less than versatile car, the P147 Turbo is still a pretty good choice for a race in Advanced. You just need to always take into account the type of tracks you’ll be running. I assure you, on wide and sweeping tracks, or on professional circuits, it’ll be nice.

    – Nice base skin that compliments the model
    – Decent params coupled with a pleasant ride, especially on tarmac
    – Lots of high-speed grip resulting in high performance…

    – … that you pay for with a nightmare of low-speed cornering
    – Prone to understeering and losing stability under braking/landing on the drive axle
    – Weight balance could be a bit better


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