
  • Download count 317
  • Pageviews 949
  • Unique foldername
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Release date 2023-12-06
  • Version from 2023-12-06
  • Version Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 38961
  • Category
  • Score
    86/100 (4 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction Conversion
  • Engine Glow
  • Transmission 4WD
  • Top speed 32.3 mph
  • Total weight 1.6 kg
  • Acceleration 1.78 m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Let me say this first, as much Crimson Fury been an MVP getting me these cars - Avocado is a nasty mistress to deal with for meshes. And this car was mangled to heck. So fixing this while having to check in-game and video material has not been fun. Plus I managed to find a good track to record it's engine sound. Once it was fixed, I had to tweak the parameters, remap a few things and soon, there we have it.

    I wanted this for so close in Re-Volt, my literal favorite car from Rally Cross 2. Since it is also the slowest, I decided, let's make it a Rookie, while fun to drive. Enjoy it, everyone.

2 comments on “Baja

  1. Thank Crimson Fury for being able to convert this, me fixing and symmetrizing this car was no easy feat and getting a good sound to record the engine too for the later RVGL versions! I played this game myself too and always been keen of the Baja. There’s going be more soon in the future.

  2. My God Living… You made me remember this car for a PsX game that I played very long time ago as a Kiddo. thanks for this and giving this old times memories :D


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