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Urban Sprint 1
Standard Track

Monday, 24th July 2023

This track + 15 Super Pros with no pickups = Some serious night racing! Love this track a ton, it flows quite well. Plus, the rain really adds to the experience! AI is routed well to give you an intense battle from lap 1 to lap 3! EXCEPT, the final corner... After doing a quick run with the Oskari Angel, I noticed that some of the rival racers would get caught on the wall beside that sharp turn drop. I would go from having an opponent racer be 3-8m away to 20-24m away. Other than that, this is an INCREDIBLE course to race on that I would recommend to anyone!

Pro Car

Monday, 22nd May 2023

This car is AWESOME. It's not the fastest per say, it will get dusted by faster pros on things like the long strips of Game Room 1 and 2. Though, where it's strengths shine, is in the corners! Handles beautifully, very agile with a simple tap, which also helps it recover from pick ups. Overall, this is a very solid pick if you prefer agility and handling over pure raw speed.