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Valtass Ring
Standard Track

Tuesday, 7th January 2025

The inspiration for the race line layout is excellent and works perfectly. I really like the fact that, unlike a lot of F1-inspired circuits, road exits are not managed by repositioning or force fields. You can miss a chicane or take a bend badly without being out of the race. It lacks a bit of animation in my opinion, but this track is really enjoyable to race. A success in a way

Lego Track

Friday, 27th December 2024

The main flaw in this title is that it lacks story. It's just a lego track with lots of objects found in makeitgood mode. There's no theme, which is a shame. Another shortcoming is that there is no work on the AI mode.

Aquarium 1
Lego Track

Friday, 27th December 2024

This track is really impressive. The only fault I can find with it is that it is perhaps too long for a single visual. But it's true that this visual is magnificent.

Lego Track

Sunday, 8th December 2024

The version of this track included in the ‘RV 25th Anniversary Event Pack’ was already excellent, but this is incredible! I wouldn't have thought that the different sounds, which at first glance have nothing to do with the track, would add so much atmosphere. That's the big plus in my opinion, although the model additions are not to be outdone.

Heavy Industries
Lego Track

Sunday, 8th December 2024

Following on from Rodik's comments, the camera should be shortened in passages with low ceilings: And a little splash as you enter the water is always nice. (water box in makeitgood. Having said that, the general atmosphere is very good (it reminds me of the spaceman tracks).

Attitude City
Standard Track

Saturday, 30th November 2024

OK Bak,I gave your track a very low rating and didn't leave a comment. Sorry, I should have. In view of your comment below, I downloaded and replayed your track. And I have to say that of all the things I was having trouble with, nothing has changed. It's all the more strange that as you leave a lot of comments on other creators' tracks (and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, especially as they are very wise ), I don't understand why you're not as critical of your own creations. (Of course, I'm well placed to know how proud you can be of your latest creation and that, you can't see everything that others see.) Nevertheless, (and given your criticisms of the other tracks), I don't understand: - that you don't see the wrong connection on the ground at the start line, and several other locations. - that there are major problems with collisions with mountains and roads. - that the road is not visually finished in many places. .../... To tell the truth, I downloaded your track again, but didn't even finish the first lap because nothing had changed compared to your old version. I hope I don't sound too presumptuous or harsh in my comments, but I don't have a good enough command of English for that. With kind regards.

Track Editor with new modules! (Unity Edition)

Thursday, 28th November 2024

Will there soon be a version for Mac and Linux?

Eagle 01
3D Resource

Sunday, 17th November 2024

Yeah! Amazing!!! And to use it instead of copter is a superb idea.

New Horizon
Standard Track

Wednesday, 6th November 2024

I'm overwhelmed and disappointeded by this track. Disappointed because it's very similar to ‘spaceship’ by javildesign (which I think is extremely well done and a must-have in my opinion), overwhelmed because it's a theme I love and, like all your other tracks, it's really well done. I like your apparent simplicity, I like your racing lines, I like this track... (disappointed is probably a strong word ;-).

Horror Doinky 2
Standard Track

Friday, 1st November 2024

It's very difficult to rate a track like this! A sick track!! As for Spoinky Doinky 1, that several people pointed out, this track could have been a sprint track, especially as it is still much longer than its predecessor. But for the rest... Waouh!!!