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Toy-World Frontend

Friday, 8th April 2022

Addition to my previous comment: the answer is "yes". Just take a car you need (lets take Speed Balancer as the example), rename its folder to the one which belongs to DC-car (e.g. tc12) and in Parameters.txt change original folder's name (e.g. Speed Balancer's folder is speedbalancer) and rename each speedbalancer to tc12. The last thing to do is to change carbox4.bmp or carbox5.bmp in cars\misc folder in case it matched your replaced car. I'll send screenshot to Discord.

Toy-World Frontend

Thursday, 7th April 2022

Is it possible to replace DC cars with custom ones? I mean, I don't like DC cars because they are just reskins of original cars and would like too see another (made by users) cars instead of those from DC.