Hull Breach 3000

  • Download count 1353
  • Pageviews 2251
  • Unique foldername breach3000
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2019-05-25
  • Version from 2023-09-30
  • Version 1.3b
  • RVW-ID 1715
  • Category
  • Score
    86/100 (26 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Remodel/Conversion)
  • Track difficulty Extreme
  • Track length 508 m
  • Reverse version available? No
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This is a Redux version of Skitch2's wonderful track Hull Breach 3.

    Differences to the Original version:

    • Slightly adjusted raceline
    • Removed some annoying obstacles
    • Added some more decoration
    • Added custom SFX
    • Added custom music
    • Added some custom models
    • Added a skybox
    • New lighting
    • Added custom spark effects
    • Some VisiBox adjustments


    Link to the original version

    Update from June 10th, 2019
    Fixed repo-bug in corner one

    Update from June 9th, 2021
    Fixed repo issue at first jump

    Update from November 6th, 2022
    Added missing music track. Without having the I/O music pack installed, only some standard Redbook music was played before.

    Update from September 30th, 2023
    Updated README (Permissions/Copyright)

4 comments on “Hull Breach 3000

  1. One of the least intuitive racing lines out there. Sure, the challenge is high, with a couple of really dangerous jumps to suceed every lap. But then you have multiple blind cross-roads, which makes racing with opponents more like a casino. I don’t think this fits well together on such a high-skill track. Might be a personal preference as well, but I have something against teleporters in racing games (destroys the race flow). Optically, Hull Breach looks great of course!

  2. Boy, that one is fun! it’s a varied track with fast sections, some nice obstacles to manoeuver around and tight battles. Spaceport was surprisingly difficult to get used to – another plus. Respawn points could be a little better, especially for AI – but other than that, I utterly love it.

  3. Updated to version 1.2: Fixed repo issue at first jump.
    The version now match the I/O pack version (June 2021 Content Pack).

  4. It is very good!
    The original track looks very good, but it is quite player-unfriendly. There are multiple spots that are way too tricky to handle well, when playing the track for the first time especially, but even when you already know how it goes. There is also the very confusing part just before the teleporter.
    In this redux version, these issues were fixed. :) The racing line is a lot smoother now, but still some of the challenge is retained. More minor improvements were also made, improving visuals and sound (many of which improvements weren’t yet possible when Skitch2 originally made the track).
    Skitch2 has previously said that he was planning to redo the entire Hull Breach series, or at least I recall he did. But he hasn’t been active in a while, and as of writing his most recent work is ToySoldierz from 2016, so I’m glad Kiwi went ahead and made an improvement! This has always been a track with potential, but for me it got lost to its issues. But this is not the case with Hull Breach 3000! :)



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