Genghis Kastle

  • Download count 2772
  • Pageviews 4084
  • Unique foldername kastle
  • Skin for
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2020-12-08
  • Version from 2023-09-30
  • Version 1.0b
  • RVW-ID 1353
  • Category
  • Score
    92/100 (37 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction 3D Modeling (Remodel/Conversion)
  • Track difficulty Medium
  • Track length 626 m
  • Reverse version available? Following
  • Time trial times available? Yes
  • Practice mode star available? Yes
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This track is based on the MK 8 track Hyrule Circuit.

    I worked around 60 hours on this conversion. The track got a whole new castle inside, to get it working with Re-Volt physics. Also I've redone the collision surfaces completely, added mirror effects in the new chandelier room, added custom SFX, did texture adjustments to fit the Re-Volt universe, and did remodelling on a lot of areas in general. 100% new shading done by using a combination of Blender baking and Makeitgood Lights.

    TT-Time: 40 sec - very hard, but reachable with a Pro car. Good luck!

    Mind the water puddle after the tents - especially with light cars. Also, take care of the bumpy parts of the track! They can kill your race quite easy, so be careful ...

    150k Polygons, optimised as good as possible by the use of Visiboxes.

    If people like the track, I maybe will add a Reverse Version later.

    Music: "Stance Gives You Balance" by Hogan Grip
    Licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License

    RVGL 20.0930a or later required

    Details about used resources in the included README.

    Thx for playing, have fun!

    Version 1.0b Changes

    - Updated README (Permissions/Copyright)

4 comments on “Genghis Kastle

  1. This is an awesome track. My favorite castle. It slows me down a little, but it doesn’t bother me, besides, the path is always clear, it’s impossible to get confused

  2. A decently done track. It looks like it’s from MK, feels like it’s from MK – but only races like it’s in MK if you’re driving in multi. In single its fun factor depends on car class – anything below Semi-Pro will be boring, especially above 3 laps. There aren’t really any spots to lose time in, meaning if the cars spread out, it’s gonna be an endurance race to the finish. Could use more powerups as well. But visually and musically – it’s a beaut.

  3. Having played MK8 Deluxe previously I love this track being based on Hyrule Circuit, I’m really interested to see how the turns and the overall feeling of the track would change with a Reverse version, it’s probably gonna be complicated tho as it’s gonna require changes to the track model to be possible.


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