Re-Volt Hardcore

  • Download count 1561
  • Pageviews 4535
  • Unique foldername ReVolt_Hardcore
  • Skin for DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2022-08-15
  • Version from 2023-05-06
  • Version 2
  • RVW-ID 33918
  • Category
  • Score
    82/100 (13 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    Re-Volt Hardcore Trailer

    Re-Volt Hardcore is a modification of Re-Volt that gives an ultimate challenge for Re-Volt masters. It is like original Re-Volt but player’s cars are bad compared to AI’s.

    Recommended collision mode: Arcade

    The mod consists of:

    • 30 collectible cars
    • 20 custom tracks
    • 5 custom cups + stunt arena
    • community soundtrack


    How to install:

    1. Get a fresh install of Re-Volt from (RVGL 23.0501a1 or newer!)
    2. Delete cars, cups, gfx, levels, music, redbook and strings folders.
    3. Download the zip file and extract it.
    4. Open the game and use the “PLAYER” profile and start playing. (If you want yo use your own name 1.
      Create a profile 2. Exit the game 3. Go to profiles --> [your name] --> profile.ini --> Change CupDC to 1 and CatchUp to 0.)


    This download is not RVGL Launcher compatible!

    This mod has a lot of content made by the community and I would like to thank everyone that has their creations involved.

    Version 1.1 Changelog

    • Car ratings updated
    • Harder Silver Cup
    • Easy practice star in R version fixed
    • IO music added

    Version 1.2.1 Changelog

    • Silver Cup has found its final form
    • Little tweaks here and there
    • This is the final version. Enjoy :)

    Version 1.2.2 Changelog

    • Accidental easter egg car removed

    Version 2 Changelog

    • Qualification rule removed! Extra tries removed!
    • Extra Sprint Cup added! Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum tracks with 16 cars. This cup is not part of the campaign.
    • Better cars unlock earlier in Bronze, Silver and Gold Cup
    • SR-8000 replaced with JG-7 in Silver Cup
    • No cars will unlock from single races anymore. You can unlock new cars only by winning the championship, beating the challenge time or collecting the stars

2 comments on “Re-Volt Hardcore

  1. I, just now, finally managed to beat the last cup, this was an amazing mod to challenge yourself and/or to improve at the game, some luck is required but I guess that’s the spirit of Re-Volt with pickups enabled.

    A lot of effort surely was put in it to balance the difficulty with hand-picked AI cars and to remix the hardcoded stock cups (and other stuff that is hardcoded in the game like unlocks, etc.). I will be looking forward to similar projects in the future, if there will be!

    P.S.: F*** StadVolt and White Rose Chapel, you need a miracle to get a podium in those tracks!

  2. This is a very good mod for professionals! It is very difficult, as intended. You have chosen tracks and cars very well. Keep it up !


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