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  2nd Museum
32/100 (2 votes)

Released on January 26, 2019 - I've made another museum :) I don't think this is a real museum,,its like a maze a bit At first time you play it,,you better follow the AI,,cuz they will help you to know where to go Special thanks to GO_AWAY and Romeo cuz I took some ideas from their works <3 ...

  1st Museum
52/100 (2 votes)

Released on January 10, 2019 - A track made in 2019/10/1 Its made with blender and some instances to make it cool!! and it has a common things between it and museum 1 ,,,for that I named it the same name but just (M) it Edit in 1/14/2019: 1.Fix some bugs 2. Add a music ...