Birthday Contest 2022 Pack

  • Download count 6193
  • Pageviews 6516
  • Unique foldername
  • Skin for DreamKaster’s Wacky R/Cs
  • Track Mod for
  • Based on
  • Release date 2022-02-26
  • Version from 2022-02-26
  • Version 1.0
  • RVW-ID 31587
  • Category
  • Score
    100/100 (14 votes)
  • Unconventional car?
  • Construction
  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Top speed mph
  • Total weight kg
  • Acceleration m/s²
  • Construction
  • Track difficulty
  • Track length m
  • Reverse version available?
  • Time trial times available?
  • Practice mode star available?
  • Online multiplayer compatible?

    This pack contains all entries of the Re-Volt World Birthday Contest 2022. Some of the creations may be released as a stand-alone download by the creators later on. This pack won't be updated in the future, so be sure to check the main creations uploads for possible updates.



    • Entry #01: Jongmyo Shrine by Paperman
    • Entry #02: Spitzbergen by Kiwi
    • Entry #03: Mexico 1 by
    • Entry #04: Cathedral by Keyran
    • Entry #05: LMS Sealand by Zeino



    • Entry #01: Korean Dream by polarfox_cw
    • Entry #02: Explorer by Kiwi
    • Entry #03: Sarmath by Virus
    • Entry #04: KR Spirit by Paperman
    • Entry #05: Akii by Trixed
    • Entry #06: Hypnosis GT by Tubers & LivingWithGames
    • Entry #07: Teena by Ghoster
    • Entry #08: Tegelhus by TTDriver & fr13ndz0n3dguy
    • Entry #09: Victoria by Phimeek
    • Entry #10: Rammington by Flo
    • Entry #11: Mariachero by burner94
    • Entry #12: Stellalpina by NVT_06



    • Entry #01: for Maxam RS by Xarc
    • Entry #02: for Max Attack by LivingWithGames
    • Entry #03: for Pemto by Kiwi
    • Entry #04: for Wildstar by TTDriver
    • Entry #05: for Mean Streak by polarfox_cw
    • Entry #06: for Yarborough by Durtvan
    • Entry #07: for Endo by Paperman
    • Entry #08: for After Image by burner94
    • Entry #09: for Chimera TC by BloodBTF
    • Entry #10: for RC Bandit by CapitaineSZM
    • Entry #11: for Vixen by Virus
    • Entry #12: for King Kaiju by Trixed
    • Entry #13: for Urban Jungle by Ghoster
    • Entry #14: for Angelus by Phimeek
    • Entry #15: for Victoria by Tubers
    • Entry #16: for Bullet by Zeino
    • Entry #17: for Chimera TC by NVT_06

1 comment on “Birthday Contest 2022 Pack

  1. Another interesting contest for creators! Thank you Revolt World! Keep it up! I also wanted to participate in the competition, but I chose a difficult job that I did not have time to complete. But all the tracks, cars and skins are very good. Now I want to go through my most favorite:

    Spitzbergen – probably my favorite creation in this contest (I’m not even surprised, since the author is Kiwi). Toytanic, snowy mountains, cars, etc. And it’s all one track. It is also a Stunt Arena, and there are few of them. Thanks!

    Jongmyo Shrine – A good atmospheric track. It’s like I’m in Korea. And also a very good job for the first track, Paperman.

    Explorer – Yes, yes, another Kiwi creation that I liked. A model of a camera on radio-controlled cars… Very well suited to the style of the Re-Volt. Good idea, I haven’t seen this before.

    Sarmath – Thank you for a good car and model, Virus! I didn’t think anyone would make a model of real car. And yes, it’s an Audi. Good job!

    Korean Dream – An interesting car with a good model.
    However, good job. I enjoyed it.

    Skins… I liked them all, I can’t single out individual ones.

    Thank you all for your work! The fact that I did not name some of the creations does not mean that I did not like them. And I don’t want to offend the authors in any way. Thanks again for such good tracks, tracks and cars. Good luck to everyone!


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